Unidentified spokesperson (possibly a senator or congressman),is seen standing outdoors, before background of the Capitol, in Washington, DC. He delivers a recorded speech in opposition to the proposal by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add more Justices to the Supreme Court (so-called "Court-packing"). In his speech, he extols the sanctity of the U.S. Constitution and explains the legal process for amending it. He notes that the proposal (to increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court) comes directly from the Executive Branch (the President). He deplores the action as designed to "place on the Supreme Court six young wreckers." He stops this line of criticism and resumes again, saying that, "the purpose of the Supreme Court Bill is to change the Constitution." He characterizes the bill as unconstitutional, and continues praising the Constitution, itself, explaining, again, the proper procedures for amending it. He acknowledges that the bill's advocates are likely sincere and conscientious.But, he says, "they are raiders off the reservation, raiding the reserve domain of the people." He concludes by saying "they are not playing the American game of Constitutional Democracy."
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