Opening scene shows map of Borneo, with several locations marked. A group of Japanese soldiers stands on a boat moving away from a wharf, during World War 2. Across from them a group of others, dressed in white shorts, shirts, and white hats, along with several Japanese soldiers, stand on the wharf. They wave farewell to the Japanese soldiers, some by saluting, others by raising and tipping their hats. The next scenes are taken from the moving boat and show a river and surrounding forests. View into the boat, where soldiers are seated. Very long canoes carrying many local persons wearing large conical straw hats pass nearby at high speed. A canoe, with roofed structures, navigates past a rock jetty in fast moving river waters. Japanese soldiers in pith helmets disembark from docked canoes and make their way uphill toward a camp. Sign identifying the camp. View from above, of barracks buildings at the camp. Camera pans across a wide region of landscape. Natives standing on platform, built around a huge tree, are chopping the tree down, under supervision of Japanese soldiers nearby. Closeup of the men chopping the tree. Views of the tree falling. Local farmers working in an irrigated rice paddy. Camera pans across a number of paddies. Buildings near the rice paddies.
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