Camera follows American troops as they comb through hiding places at the end of the battle for Saipan in World War 2. Small children hiding among some boulders. Next a Japanese woman and four small children are seen seated on the ground. A U.S. soldier bandages the arm of one child. A group of American soldiers searches for Japanese soldiers near a cave. Two soldiers seen firing at a suspected Japanese enemy position. Next, they search the underbrush and retrieve a box of canned goods next to the body of a dead Japanese soldier. A dead Japanese soldier floating in a stream. U.S. infantrymen continuing their search for Japanese holdouts. One retrieves an abandoned Japanese rifle. Another holds a Japanese grenade. One GI displays a Japanese long Arisaka Type 38 rifle with a Type 30 bayonet. (The rifle is 4 feet, 2 inches long and the bayonet 20 inches, making it almost 5-feet in overall length.) Camera pans across misty landscape near the shore, with so-called "suicide cliff" in background. A woman and small girl sitting beneath a rough shelter.
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