A film titled 'Campaign in Sicily' on the campaign of Allied forces to invade Sicily, Italy during World War II (Operation Husky). Animated map shows the target area of the Allies. British Army General Alan Gordon Cunningham, U.S. Army General Dwight David Eisenhower, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Arthur William Tedder , British Army Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, U.S. Army General George Smith Patton and United States Army Air Forces Lieutenant General James Harold Doolittle plan and discuss during the campaign. Lt. Gen. Doolittle and some officers stand near an airplane. U.S. airplanes bomb Pantelleria. Aircraft in formation flight over the target area and drop bombs. British infantry goes ashore. Masses of Italian prisoners of war march along. Rubbled buildings in the area. Axis airplanes bomb an Allied supply ship off an island. British engineers repair an airstrip on the island. Allied bombers strike target areas in Italy. Troops transports assemble in a harbor at Alexandria, Egypt. Ships being loaded at the harbor. Generals Eisenhower and Patton aboard USS Monrovia. Ships underway at sea. Sailors and officers discuss a map. Animated map shows target areas and Allied strategies and invaded areas. Allied troops, following a night naval bombardment, land in Sicily using amphibious vehicles and floating causeways. Landing ships are unloaded. Steel mash mats are laid down. Bulldozers are taken ashore. General Patton and 3rd Infantry Division units land. Axis airplanes attack the convoy. They drop bombs over target areas. An ammunition ship is exploded. Heavy columns of smoke rise as ships and landing craft explode. Soldiers advance along a town. Artillery and tanks advance along. Wrecked airplanes and equipment in the area. Dead bodies of soldiers on the ground. A medic treats a wounded. Aircraft in flight overhead. Officers in the balcony of a building. People gather outside the building. Animated map invasion by Allied forces. Prisoners of war are marched along a field. Soldiers advance.
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