French army recruitment and marshalling for World War 1. French Infantry marching casually before the camera in their field gear (sans steel helmets). They move on a path or road, proceeding under a broad arch overpass. The first two soldiers walk holding bicycles. Some soldiers wear no caps. Others wear soft caps. None wear steel helmets. They are then seen from a high place (possibly the overpass) as they proceed in a long irregular column. The sequence shifts to a unit of mounted French cavalry, passing a tent as they proceed along a path in a camp ground.They are next seen from the rear as they continue and cross a bridge over a small canal. Next seen is a very long column of French infantry, all wearing steel helmets, proceeding along a dirt road. The next sequence shows pack animals and wagons carrying supplies for the troops. In the final scene, several soldiers open and read their mail in the midst of a group of relaxing troops. One soldier clowns around with another. (Note: this film was shot by the famous war photographer Donald C. Thompson.)
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