Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev on a visit to the United States. Exterior of the Soviet Embassy in Washington DC. People at a formal banquet hosted by Mrs. And Mr. Khrushchev. U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon and his wife arrive for the banquet. U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his wife also arrive. They pose with dignitaries. Khrushchev in a railroad towards New York. Soviet Ambassador to the U.S. Mikhail A. Menshikov and U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union Llewellyn E. Thompson with him. The train rushes past rivers, farms, factories, towns and market places. We see his train passing through a station in Newark New Jersey. Mr. Khrushchev waves to people from the window of the train. Khrushchev's motorcade escorted by police escorts rolls through the streets in New York. People on the side of the streets to watch. Mr. Khrushchev addresses people at mayor's luncheon. He talks about peace and relations between the Soviet Union and the U.S. People applaud. New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller welcomes him.
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