Famous aviator Charles Lindbergh being welcomed after his successful nonstop trans-Atlantic flight. American aviator Charles Lindbergh at an outdoor luncheon in the Bois de Boulogne given by the International League of aviators. Lindbergh arrives by car at the port of Cherbourg, where crowds greet him. American flag flies from building, along with French flags. Crowds cheer him from the wharf as a launch carries Lindbergh out to the U.S. Navy Cruiser, USS Memphis (CL-13), where he comes aboard in his leather coat and boots. Later, Lindbergh, in a business suit, poses with the officers of the Memphis on the deck. He is given a tour of the ship. One officer shows him the breech of a heavy naval gun. Lindbergh operates the controls of an antiaircraft gun. Lindbergh and an official, in the cockpit of an aircraft carried aboard the ship.
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