Desron (Destroyer Squadron) 20 returns from Vietnam. Crewmen on the fantail of a DD as it is tied up at a shipyard in Newport, Rhode Island. A stern line seen over in the foreground. A young boy holds a sign which reads 'Welcome Home Johnny'. A port bow view shows USS Brownson (DD-868) being eased up towards the pier for tying up. A silhouetted view of crewmen up on the bow of the ship. A flag on the stern of another DD seen in the foreground. Line handlers, handling lines on the pier for the USS Brownson, in deep silhouette. A navy sentry holds onto the line keeping the crowd back. Crewmen on the fantail of the DD. A woman holding a small boy in her arms waves. A small lad holds a sign 'Welcome home Johnny'. Brow being put in place by one of the dock cranes of the DD. A large group of dependents. One of them holds a large sign reading: 'Welcome Home Don'. A mother and many other dependents wave. Three enlisted men man the rail of the DD during the tying up. Crewmen aboard a DD. One of them waves and talks to someone on the pier. Reunions take place. An officer in the foreground kisses his wife. A man recording the events with his movie camera. The dependents rush towards the brow to go aboard one of the DDs.
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