USAF General Henry Arnold meets crew of U.S. Army Air Forces B-29 Super Fortress at Bolling Field, Washington, DC during World War II. C-47s lined up on the flight line. General Arnold, Lieutenant General Barney Giles and Brigadier General Lauris Norstad walk on the field. Crew members lined up in front of B-29. General Arnold in the foreground. General Norstad introduces the Aircraft Commander, Lt. DO Horsfall of Kalamazoo, Michigan, who salutes and shake hands with General Arnold. Lt. Horsfall introduces members of his crew who step forward, salute and shake General Arnold's hand. General Arnold tells the crew that U.S. bombers from China bases had been unable to reach the Japanese heartland. But B-29s from the Marianas would now be able to strike places like Hokkaido and Kyushu. He dictates a message for Horsfall and crew to write on a bomb. Crew members gather around bombs as the pilot writes the message, reading: 'To the war lords of Japan we have not forgotten. The B-29s will remind you again, again and again!'
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