Animated map shows New Guinea and Papau. Areas occupied by American and Australian Forces , seeking to dislodge Japanese Forces, at Buna and Gona, are shown. General Douglas MacArthur, arrives at Papua. He strolls through an American/Australian milltary camp in the jungle. He is dressed in a perfectly pressed uniform, smoking a cigar. (Narrator states he arrived to take personal charge of the offensive.) Closeup of MacArthur. American troops flown in from Australia, advance toward the Japanese positions at Buna. Another scene shows Australian troops making their way through jungles as they advance over the Owen-Stanley mountain range toward Gona. Australian troops fire mortars and one seen firing a Bren light machine gun. An American soldier firing an M1919 Browning machine gun. More views of Allied soldiers firing rifles and machine guns, including a water-cooled Browning M1917 gun. A bomb or shell explodes at a Japanese position. Scene shifts to Allied Military Headquarters in New Guinea, where staff plot information on large status maps about Japanese reinforcements arriving in the Bismark Sea, to bolster the enemy’s defenses. An Australian pilot runs to his Spitfire airplane, and American pilots rush to their B-25 Mitchell bomber,
named “Dirty Dora.” An Australian Douglas A-26 invader airplane taking off. The B-25, Mitchell bomber (Dirty Dora) taking off. A USAAF B-17 Flying Fortress bomber taking off. More Allied aircraft taking off and in flight, including a formation of Australian A-26 invader airplanes. An Australian Airspeed Oxford training aircraft is seen diving . View from cockpit of an A-26 Invader airplane firing machine guns at Japanese ship. View of Allied warplane dropping bombto skip a Japanese ship. Bombs explode. Aircraft strafing Japanese ship. Various views of smoke rising from struck many Japanese ships. (World War II; WW II; World War 2; World War Two)
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