Opening scene shows U.S. State Department officials of the Division of the American Republics in a meeting. They examine a map titled "Inter-American Highway" showing a proposed highway running from the border of the U.S. and Mexico at Laredo Texas, all the way through Mexico, Latin America, and into South America. View of South American farmers loading hay into a horse cart, then of cattle in a stockyard being herded by a cowboy on a horse. Aerial view of city of Rio de Janeiro Brazil circa 1938. Narrator discusses threat of dictatorships in countries of South America. Views of German ships and German contracted ships loading and unloading at Buenos Aires harbor. Narrator describes system of barter where Argentina sends goods to Germany in exchange for German-made goods. Swastika flag on one of the cargo ships. Dock crane with German sign "Deutsche Maschinenfabrik A.G. Duisburg". Letters on side of a ship reads 'Buenos Aires Maru'. Supplies unloaded from ship. Cargo stacked including wooden boxes with German writing labeled "Vorsicht - San Paulo Brasilien". In a Latin American or South American city, view of the storefront for luxury goods by Herm Stoltz & Co. A Nazi German flag hangs above the store entrance. Fine leather goods, cameras, figurines, steins, etc from Germany are shown in store window displays. View of Nazi German books on display in storefronts, including closeup of translated book "Mein Kampf" ("Mi Lucha") by Adolf Hitler, bearing an image of Hitler on front cover. A German passenger aircraft parked at an airfield, which narrator describes as being part of a German airline offering service to South America within two days of Berlin, Germany. More German airplanes are shown at an airport in South America. View of government offices in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Large crest with a bird atop an entrance. Interior office view of President Getúlio Vargas of Brazil seated in discussion with American diplomats. Narrator indicates that Vargas learned of German colonists in Brazil planning his overthrow by assassination, and therefore outlawed all Nazi activity. Poster of Vargas communicating his policies. Scene switches to exterior view of the State, War, and Navy Building (later the Executive Office Building) in Washington DC, with the First Division Monument in the foreground. Interior view of office door bearing sign for Under Secretary of State. Inside, Sumner Welles is seen in discussion with officials. He is asked about the American attitude toward Latin America. Welles describes the importance of strengthening ties between the countries of the Americas. Under Secretary Welles states that the welfare of all of the countries in the region may depend on their continued solidarity.
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