Crowd gathered outside offices of the Zeppelin Transport Company at a building in Lakehurst Naval Air Station, upon arrival of the German zeppelin dirigible, Hindenburg (LZ-129) following its flight from Germany. A commercial bus is parked ready to transport passengers from the Hindenburg. A photographer sits on the bus roof. Crowd listens to Dr. Hugo Eckener, of the Zeppelin Company, who just arrived on the Hindenburg. After speaking, Dr. Eckener struggles through the crowd to enter the office. Sign overhead reads, among other things, 'German Zeppelin Transport Co' and 'American Airlines Inc'. Arriving passengers leave the office and make their way, through the throng, to the bus. Several speak to reporters on their way. The name: "Pulion and Shirla Bus Company, Inc." is painted on the siide of bus, as well as lists of places it stops, including:Lakewood, Point Pleasant, and Madison Square Garden.
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