LVT (Landing Vehicle Tracked) heads toward beach. Flak in sky and smoke rises from island in the background. Battleship fires intermittently. Tail section of LVTR (Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Retriever) underway. LVT loaded with marines, underway through rough water. LVT headed toward island. Machine gun muzzle on LVT. Winch on deck of ship. Small craft comes alongside ship. Winch turning and cable coming off it. Men handle lines. Man operates winch while sitting on control box. LVT hoisted out of hold on AP (Hull Code for Transport Support Ships). LVT lowered over side. AP, LCM (Landing Craft, Mechanized), and LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel) in water. Marines and Navy personnel watch from ship. Aircraft in sky. Anti-tank lowered into LCVP. Men in LCVP handle lines for loading. Men in AP watch the loading. Jeep hoisted from hold of AP. Sign in jeep reads '5-2'. LCM and LCVP in water. AP at anchor in the far background. Lookouts on mainmast of AP. American flag flies from mast. Small craft in water, men sit on small boat that is hanging from hook in the foreground. (World War II period).
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