U.S. Marines carry equipment and supplies dropped by TBM, across a river in Naha. TBM planes drop parachute supplies over Okinawa. TBM planes drop parachute supply canisters. TBM in flight overhead. Marine rifleman fires at enemy position in the foreground. Wreckage of buildings around Naha. A wrecked church. Marine kneels near mouth of a hole in the ground, where Japanese area hiding. He drops grenade in hole and runs away. Grenade explodes. TBM planes in flight overhead drop parachute supply canisters. Marines gather up supplies on open stretch of ground. View of supply canister lying on ground which parachute failed to open. It is broken up. Marines carrying supply canisters off open ground. Marines carry supplies, wading across a stream. View of small waterfall, below fording place on stream. Heavy spring water comes down stream. Marine rifleman wade through deep mud, carrying besides equipment two white rabbits in arms. Another Marine pats rabbits in his arms. (World War II period).
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