Invasion of Okinawa. U.S. naval bombardment and shelling on island of Kerama Group. Landing crafts approach beach. LVT (Landing Vechicle, Tracked) move up on beaches of Okinawa. Infantry and armored units of 3rd Battalion, 305th Regimental Combat Team takes immediate control of beach. Japanese caves shelled by howitzers. Troops move inland and further. Japanese suicide boats along caves on shores destroyed by bombs. Japanese interpreter of U.S. 3rd Battalion asks a Korean prisoner in fields to go up hill and persuade Japanese for surrender. Korean prisoner goes towards hill with truce flag. Japanese come down hill. Surrendered Japanese Lieutenant sits with other men. American forces land on another island on Kerama Group where no civilian or military resistance is encountered. Flag rose at captured island. Troops plan invasion of another Kerama Group island aboard ship. Invasion of Tokashiki by U.S. troops. U.S. troops move inland. Troops march along trails on hill. Wrecked houses in town. Officer looks through binocular from observation post. American flag behind officer. Artillery fire shelling Tokashiki Island. (World War II period).
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