U.S. soldiers of the 339th Infantry Regiment arrive by ship at Archangel (Arkhangelsk) Russia, during the Allied North Russia Intervention in World War 1. Most are soldiers carrying their rifles with bayonets affixed to them. But several are bandsmen, carrying their musical band instruments. Russian stevedores stand on the dock as the troops disembark. The ship is painted in camouflage colors. The troops assemble in formation on the pier. Sacks of flour are unloaded by crane from the ship as Russian peasants load them into horse-drawn carts. A U.S. soldier is seen performing guard duty at the scene. The loaded carts are driven across the pier, where they are unloaded by men and women, and slid down narrow planks, to women in small boats. A few women pose in their boat, for the camera. View of two boats with small sails raised, rowing away from the pier, with their cargo. A woman struggles to row a dory, loaded with flour sacks. Russian children pose on the dock. One holds a container of milk bottles (World War I; World War 1; WWI; WW1)
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