U.S. Admiral Mark L. Bristol and a delegation of U.S. Navy military leaders and civilian leaders attend an event at Zappeion Exhibition Hall (or Zappion Hall), which was serving as an orphanage for displaced Armenian children after the Armenian genocide and unrest during the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire. Bristol's coalition had been shuttling Greek and Armenian refugees from Turkey to the temporary orphanage in Zappeion Hall. Sign above Hall exterior entrance is partially covered but words "Neareast Relief Zappion Orphanage" can be seen. Bristol's group ascends the steps with an honor guard of children in various uniforms snapping to attention as they ascend. Admiral Bristol and other U.S. dignitaries walk up the steps of the building and enter. Flags at the entrance of the building. In the Hall, a band of the U.S. Navy plays music. Group of children of the orphanage is seen in the background behind the band. Admiral Bristol and other U.S. military and civilian dignitaries seated in the main hall watching the band or a presentation.
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