'Countdown for Deterrence' outlines the activities involved in a LGM-30 Minuteman missile operational test launches. View of several Mark 12 Reentry vehicles glowing as they enter the atmosphere at the Western Test Range in the Pacific Ocean. The Minuteman III missiles carrying them are seen being launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Lompoc, California. Launch crews at controls. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile test launch operations begins at Vandenberg AFB. Exterior of building. Data analysis by officers. Scheduling officers at work. Launch tube of missile. Shows various officers responsible for launching of missile. Launch director in conference with ICBM test maintenance personnel. Maintenance of launch tube by the maintenance crew. The missile components arrive in Vandenberg AFB. Crew in underground silo work. Tape deck which records messages from SAC HQ. A Red box which contains secret codes for the launch of the missiles is double padlocked. Pre-recorded voice reports on the current status of the missile. An officer instructs Task Force personnel in Vandenberg AFB. Task Force commander confers with two officers.
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