U.S. Naval officers of Battleship Division Nine line up to receive British Admiral David Beatty, who comes aboard the USS New York (BB-34) to welcome the American warships to the Royal Grand Fleet, in the Firth of Forth, Scotland. Motor launches loiter at the ship's side. Contingent of World War 1 uniformed U.S. Marines marches past on the deck, and then begins double-time. Contingent of U.S. Navy sailors, in blue coats and wool caps,double-times past the officers. Admiral Beatty gives a speech of welcome to assembled U.S. officers and sailors, from a raised dais on aft deck. The view is framed between two aft 14 inch guns. The ship's Captain, thanks Admiral Beatty and makes some remarks and leads the ship's company in a series of hat-waving cheers. A woman is seen leaving the ship, assisted by the Warrant Officer,Bosun's Mate, carrying a megaphone, as a Marine stands by, and Admiral Beatty waves farewell from the ships deck. Senior officers, including a British General, stand about on deck.
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