A U.S. Army NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) disaster control surveyor makes an investigation for chemical agents in the U.S...
A training film based on biological warfare sampling and chemical warfare detection in the United States. A sign reads 'Disaster Control Headquarters'. U.S. Army NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) disaster control surveyors in protective clothing get into jeeps. The jeeps pull away. A surveyor takes a look at a chemical detection paper placed on a pole, on which normal olive green coating turns red. The surveyor takes the detection paper to his jeep and takes another look. The NBC survey team monitor looks for clues on the side of a road. The monitor tests for chemical agents and inserts a chemically treated ticket in an aspirator bob. He checks if the color of the ticket changes when it comes in contact with a gas. He proceeds further and does other tests. Animation depicts a check on a detector ticket and blue-band and green-band tube tests for nerve agents. The survey team monitor uses a crayon and performs a test along a road. He reports to the disaster control center. The contaminated sector is roped and marked with signs reading 'gas'.
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