Egyptian officer salutes as Flag of Egypt is raised during reoccupation of Gaza. Israeli forces load equipment in a truck, to depart. A landing craft heads for shore. A crowd of Egyptians assembled outside a building. United Nations representatives discussing a territorial map with an Egyptian officer. Egyptian troops celebrate as they reoccupy Gaza and raise their flag on a building. Group of demonstrators waving French Tricolor. United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) soldier standing by demarcation line with binoculars; the UN flag blowing beside him. troops in Gaza. He walks as sentry by the demarcation line. Scenes of UNEF officials discussing matters. Vehicles of UNEF lined up on a section of road. Israeli gathering outside, with speaker haranging crowd over microphone, from balcony of building. People in crowd hold many signs in Hebrew and flags with Star of David, and other symbols on them. Interiors of Israeli Parliament Knesset shows Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion speaking. Soldiers wielding batons jump from a truck and toward an area of unrest. Troublemakers are escorted away.
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