A film based on ASR (Air Sea Rescue) by U.S. 8th Air Forces in European Theater during World War II. Formation of B-17 Flying Fortress bombers in flight over Nazi German targets in Europe. Bombardier aboard B-17 sights target through Norden bomb sight. Bombs away view as bombs are dropped over targets. Smoke and flame billows up from explosions. More scenes of bombs being dropped from Allied aircraft and hitting targets below during a day time bombing mission. B-17s face attack from Nazi Luftwaffe fighter aircraft. Gunners aboard B-17 firing at Nazi fighters. A B-17 with a damaged tail. A B-17 on fire goes down. Pilot of the same B-17 gives emergency signal. Crash landing of B-17 on water shows crew members preparing to ditch the B-17 at sea. Crew members on raft and aboard a boat heads for English coast. Door sign reads 'Air Sea Rescue Control Room'. Interior of room shows an officer plotting and planning the timings and air route the bomber squadron must follow from and to target area during the mission. Air Sea Rescue Liaison Sergeant of U.S. army talks over phone and alerts Royal Navy officer. Navy officer calls up an officer at the RAF (Royal Air Force) high speech launch base and assigns patrol areas. Royal Navy patrol boats head for assigned areas. Emergency rescue squadron is alerted by an officer. Pilots of rescue aircraft prepare to board P-47 Thunderbolt fighters. View of inflatable rafts and smoke floats carried on theThunderbolts.Flying boat PBY Catalina warms up on runway.
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HD Master, Broadcast-ready (1920x1080, unmarked) | 4190 MB | $275.00 | $79.00 |
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Proxy (320x240, low-resolution, watermarked) | 67 MB | FREE or $4 (see below) | FREE or $4 (see below) |