Portion of film titled: 'The Big Picture' about the U.S. Army Parachute Team. Captain James M. Perry, Commander of the team, explains that, as an Agency of the Continental Army Command, the Team represents the Army in Sports Parachute Competition (AKA Skydiving). He talks about the achievements of U.S. Army parachute team. He states that the team has represented the country in International Sports Parachute competitions. He discusses history of the parachute, showing a model of earliest parachute design attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci, noting it was never tested. At a blackboard, he points out illustration of a parachute used successfully by French balloonist, Andre Jacques Garnerin in 1797. He notes that Benjamin Franklin witnessed that event and was influenced to conceive the idea of its military use. Change of scene shows Captain Perry reviewing the members of the Army Parachute Team on the tarmac in front of a C-123 aircraft, which they then board by way of the rear cargo ramp. View of the team inside the aircraft cabin. At altitude, team members exit via the rear cargo door and sky dive toward earth. They execute maneuvers, including some in formation while in free-fall. Smoke seen from smoke grenades as they descend. The team members open their chutes at just above the 2200 foot altitude, and maneuver their checkered chutes to precise landings.
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