USAF C-123 transport aircraft lined up on airfield ramp. U.S. airborne troopers lined up and boarding several USAF C-130 Hercules transport aircraft. A jeep driving into a U.S. Army H-37 Mojave helicopter. Truck with supplies driving into rear of a C-130 transport. C-130 taking off. Formation of C-130 aircraft carrying airborne troops. Cabin of a C-47 transport aircraft with top (green)jump light illuminated. U.S. paratroopers jumping from the C-47 employing static lines attached to fixed cable in the aircraft. Parachutes seen behind the aircraft. view from ground of paratroopers jumping from formations of C-47 aircraft. U.S. paratroopers jumping from C-130 aircraft. C-130, tail number 56-0842, seen in flight, with a skid of supplies being pulled from its tail cargo door by a parachute. Side view of jeep dropping out of plane pulled by parachute. Numerous views of paratroopers descending with parachutes open. Troopers on the ground carrying bazookas and rifles. A U.S. Army AT-19 in flight, with members of the Army Parachute Team jumping from it to research tactical aerial maneuvers.
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