United States soldiers taking part in Operation Francis Marion, in the Central Highlands (Pleiku area) South Vietnam, during th...
Activities of U.S. soldiers in Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, during Operation Francis Marion in the Central Highlands in Pleiku area, South Vietnam. Soldiers in battle gear and carrying full packs,walk through jungle underbrush. Closeups of some as they pass. The camera pans over the terrain and then records their progress in numerous views as they proceed through the jungle. At one point a soldier steps over a narrow stream. Next several are seen near a wide stream, where two stop to wash themselves and cool off. Next, a half dozen soldiers are seen bathing in a broader section of water, about one or two feet deep. They also "horse around,"splashing water on one another. Later, some sit in the stream. Two shave their faces. Others are dressing on the river bank. One is seen washing
clothes. The camera pans along a section of the stream that is narrower and faster moving.
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