Documentary film depicts conditions during Spanish civil war. Activities of people in Fuentiduena village. Farmers plow their fields using wooden plows and horses to pull them. A farmer sowing seed by hand. Farmers planning irrigation of dry fields. Men climb hill carrying picks and mattocks to cut irrigation ditches. They work cutting a ditch along a line laid out on the ground. A dog sits watching them. One farmer uses a wooden tool to tamp the base of the new irrigation channel. Men working at the river edge to connect the new irrigation ditch. Other farmers using picks to steer the water as it begins to flow into the fields. Artillery fire is heard in the background.
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HD Master, Broadcast-ready (1920x1080, unmarked) | 1448 MB | $190.00 | $79.00 |
HD Screener (1920x1080, full-res with timecode) | 1448 MB | FREE or $4 (see below) | FREE or $4 (see below) |
Proxy (320x240, low-resolution, watermarked) | 23 MB | FREE or $4 (see below) | FREE or $4 (see below) |