Animated map shows the front line of battle, between Republican and Nationalist forces, running West of Madrid from West Park through University City, during the Spanish Civil War. Camera pans across landscape, from a high vantage point, and then focuses on buildings of University City, where Nationalist forces have taken up positions in a palace with two pointed towers, and near a ruined clinical hospital. Republican troops are seen entering through a gate at the hospital, where the bearded Brigade Commander Jesús Martínez de Aragón is seen consulting with his staff. (Narrator notes that he died in the attack on the Casa del Campo soon after this scene was filmed.) Views of sandbagged buildings inside the hospital compound. The Brigade Commander is seen with some of his soldiers, while rebels are trying to move further into the clinic compound. His soldiers take up defensive positions inside clinic buildings, carrying heavy arms up the stairs. Republican defenders firing machine guns from inside the building, and moving through rubble to other positions. Views inside the clinic and sound of glass breaking. Continuous sound of machine gun fire. Two soldiers fire through a small hole in a concrete wall. View, from Republican defensive position, of a battle-scarred multistory building across the way. One of the soldiers writing a letter home (dated May 4, 1937). Another soldier rolls a cigarette.
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