View of sleepy village in Spanish hills. A Woman comes out of her house with a basket of food. An airplane is heard in skies above and someone shouts "aviaciĆ³n," and it echoes down the hill. Three airplanes are seen in formation overhead, followed by two more. The planes maneuver. Filmed closeup of explosions is followed by scenes of smoke rising in a village and people walking about in despair. Villagers in an alleyway look at rubble from a bombing. Two women and a baby look out through a hole blasted in the side of a house. Villagers gather near a large house with windows hattered and roof destroyed. They sadly walk past four dead bombing victims laid out at near the site including one young boy. Narrator states that three Junker planes did this. Interior view of roof destroyed in the house. View through hole in wall of the house, showing villagers outside mourning the two victims. Building exterior pockmarked by gunfire and scrapnel. Two little boys wearing army hats, pose for the camera, in front of the building, while another sits near a soldier cleaning his rifle. The boys are seen playing in rubble in front of the building. Scene shifts to a dogfight overhead, between two airplanes. One,that appears to be a Nationalist Fiat CR.32 biplane, is shot down and spirals to crash on the ground. Scene shifts, again, to Republican soldiers and local people looking through jumbled pieces of a downed Junkers plane spread over a large crash site. Seen, are a tail wheel and corrugated metal section, identifying the wreckage as that of a large German Junkers Ju-52 trimotor aircraft (clearly unrelated to the earlier dogfight scene).A placard is shown with data about the Junkers aircraft parts. A parachute is also seen with harness instructions. A view of landscaped through a gaping hole blown in a stone wall. An isolated house showing battle damage. Fallen Italian soldiers in a field, and letters they had with them.
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