The Spanish Civil War. Republican (Government) forces moving forward to engage Nationalist (Rebel) forces in the battle of Jarama during the Spanish Civil War. Black smoke rising where bomb shells burst from Nationalist artillery on the heights of La Maranosa. Republican infantry moving across a field. A rebel shell bursting close to the camera. Republican soldier rendering first aid and bandaging the face of a wounded comrade. A Russian T-26 tank moving towards the rear on a dirt road, where troops carry wounded on stretchers and place them into field ambulances. Wounded being treated by medics. Wounded sitting on the ground. Two soldiers rushing a wounded away on a litter. Medic treating face wound of a soldier. Various scenes of wounded being treated and evacuated. Field ambulance driving away with wounded on board. View through trees of a building and one span of the Arganda bridge over Jarama river. Next, the entire Arganda bridge is seen with Republican troops dug in defensive positions. View of troops firing rifles from those positions, and Nationalist (rebel) shells bursting nearby. Defenders firing machine gun at rebels. More scenes of shells bursting and smoke rising. The Republican tricolor flag waving in the breeze as narrator states that the counterattack has been successful. Camera pans battlefield. Soldiers gathering up equipment underneath span of the bridge. Vehicles moving over the Madrid-Valencia road, with Republican forces in control of the Jarama valley in that area, for the time being. Scene shifts to barefoot farm boy using a mattock to open way for water to flow from river into irrigation sluice to water local crops. View of the sluice. Water flowing in the fields and farmers directing its flow. Civilian and military traffic on the Valencia road. Troops and a black and white dog riding on a T-26 tank. Closeup of Republican soldier aiming and firing his rifle. Water moving to irrigate parched farm field. (Note: Scenes from film "Spanish Earth," directed by Joris Iven)
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