;Allied Operation Husky in World War 2. British 8th Army advances forward in Sicily during World War II. British transports and warships along a coastline as bombs from enemy airplanes drop in water around them. British troops march along a road. A ship at an anchor in the background. White flags flutter from the balconies of Italian homes. British soldiers drink wine from a pitcher. A soldier hands a chocolate to a woman holding a small baby. U.S. troops ride into the town on donkey carts. Several men walk along with the carts. British armored units drive through the city. Captured enemy food is distributed among Sicilian peasants. British Army General Bernard Montgomery in an open motor car drives past British troops and through the town. A group of Italian soldiers wave white clothes to surrender to British soldiers. Axis prisoners march through the streets of Syracuse. Captured and wrecked enemy equipment. People cheer as British trucks loaded with soldiers drive into Francofonte, Italy. Axis prisoners lined up on a highway follow a British truck. German prisoners debark from a prison ship in England. The prisoners and insignias in view. (including insignia of the Hermann Göring Division)
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