Activities of Japanese soldiers in Southeast Asia during World War II. A relief map of India, China and Indochina shows the locations of Rangoon and Mandalay in Burma (Myanmar). Japanese soldiers march along a dirt road. Trucks parked along the side of a road. Japanese troops march. Burmese civilians standing on the side of a road wave flags. A Burmese civilian fill vessels with water for Japanese horses to drink. Burmese man give Japanese soldiers water to drink. The troops march in the background. Two Japanese soldiers drink water from canteens. Japanese soldiers and U.S. prisoners of war seated on the ground. A Japanese officer points to a piece of paper and discusses. The soldiers marching on a street move past a sign which reads: 'Mandalay 82 Mi-Rangoon 348 Mi'. A Japanese soldier pushes a dump truck up a steep grade on a road. Japanese officers and a car in the background. A photographer and a medium tank in the background. A Japanese soldier drives steel wedges into the ground behind a piece of field artillery. The Japanese fire the field artillery. A column of smoke rises. Japanese tanks drive down a dirt road. The field artillery being pulled by Japanese soldiers. The soldiers march carrying Japanese flags. Demolished buildings in the foreground. Freight cars on a siding, bomb crates near railroad tracks. Japanese medium tanks advance over the railroad tracks.
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