Adolf Hitler at opening of the International Auto Show in Berlin on 20 February 1937. He strolls along a street, past a military honor guard. He is accompanied by several Storm Troopers (Sturmabteilung). Hitler walks up to and shakes hands with members of a German motorcycle racing team, standing next to their machines. He then greets and shakes hands with three racing car drivers standing near their cars (Mercedes Silver Arrows). View of crowd enthusiastically greeting Hitler. Next, the racing cars drive along the street, followed by Hitler and companions in his Mercedes-Benz W150 770 Paradewagenen. The rest of his entourage follows in open staff cars. Glimpse of Military honor guard presenting arms in salute. View of the motorcade driving toward the camera, along the Unter den Linden, with the Brandenburg Gate in the background. Spectators line the sidewalks. The motorcade passes a long line of German military motorcyclists standing next to their machines. The motorcade stops there where Hitler steps from the lead car and crosses the street to enters the building housing the Auto Show, which is guarded by black uniformed SS troops standing along the sidewalk. Images of the Berlin 1937 Auto Show illustrated Posters advertising the "Internationale Automobil und Motorrad Ausstellung" (International automobile and motorcycle exhibition). Poster shows stylized artistic drawings of cars and sketch of the Brandenburg Gate. Inside the building a stage is lined with a group of trumpeters in fancy regalia, playing a fanfare. Nazi swastika banners are massed in the back of the stage. From a podium on stage Hitler delivers a short address to open the event, in which he reiterates his desire to have a low-price car produced for the ordinary people of Germany. Closeup of Joseph Goebbels with arms folded, in the audience. View of men in fancy regalia holding Nazi swastika banners. Next, Goebbels is seen at the podium, acting as a cheer leader for the National Socialistic Party (Nazi Party), the German nation, and its leader, Adolf Hitler. He leads the audience in chanting "Zieg Heil." three times. Curtains part revealing automobiles on display. Closeup of the front of a Daimler Benz car. Adolf Hitler leads others entering the exhibit floor, accompanied by executives of the automotive industry. Goebbels is seen at his side, next to Dr. H.C. Wilhelm Kissel, who became the first chairman of the Board of Daimler-Benz AG in 1937. Closeup of Hitler reaching out to a car, as Kissel stands near, behind him. Hitler and Kissel converse and Hitler embraces him and expresses his enthusiasm. Again Hitler reaches out to the car, commenting as he does. View of the exhibit floor filled with cars and people. Closeup of Hitler conversing with civilian auto executives as he stands next to a streamlined Adler 2,5 Liter Type 10 Cabriolet automobile. Closeup of the chrome embellished hood and front bumper of the Adler car. Hitler closely examining the tread of an auto tire. Closeup of transparent cutaway showing inside of a car hood. Hitler standing on the opposite side of the car. Hitler stands with several men discussing a DKW-Union automobile with its side hood panels raised. Men discussing the new Opel Admiral sedan introduced at this auto show. (The car was powered by a newly developed 3,626 cc straight-six engine.) Hitler with others, looking under the hood at the engine. Sketch of a German artificial rubber tire factory. View of materials used in tire manufacture. Closeups of tires. BMW R6 motorcycle and other motorcycles. Remainder of film devoted to engines, and many cars made by DKW-Union.
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