Animated map shows Japanese massing for attacks against Australia, Midway Island, and the Aleutians in World War 2. U.S. naval forces prepare for the battles of Coral Sea and Midway. U.S. warships seen underway in the Pacific Ocean. Crewmen on the aircraft carrier, USS Yorktown (CV-5) push a Douglas SBD Dauntless aircraft with folded wings. Senior officer on the carrier looking through binoculars. Ship's flight operations personnel are alerted by bugle over intercom to report to their stations. flight deck operational crews assemble on deck. Aviators assemble in ready rooms. They are told a Japanese carrier has been sighted and they are to attack its aircraft. Ready rooms are notified of enemy contact at 125 miles. The pilots scramble up stairs to the flight deck and their airplanes. They climb into cockpits Douglas SBD Dauntless planes, start engines, taxi, and take off one at a time. They form up in flights of 3 aircraft each and fly overhead. View of the Island on the Yorktown, as they wait for aircraft to return. Antiaircraft gunners wait in readiness for possible Japanese attack. A formation of Japanese Aichi D3A (Val) aircraft is sighted. They dive at the Yorktown, as her gunners fire away at them. Black flak clouds fill the sky. An explosion as a bomb strikes the Yorktown. She lists and burns and is wracked by another explosion. An SBD dauntless rocks loose near the end of flight deck. USS Yorktown along with other ships in the task force battling Japanese aircraft. A Japanese torpedo plane is downed on the surface of the sea. Flames and smoke at forward port area of Yorktown's flight deck. Gunners hit wings of attacking airplane. Firefighters on Yorktown set up hoses on her deck. More U.S. aircraft airborne to attack Japanese force only 15 miles away. U.S. dive bomber dropping a bomb. An SBD dauntless lands on a carrier deck. Navy aviators pose on deck. Closeup of a Dauntless landing. "Scorecard" compares U.S. and Japanese losses in the two engagements.
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