Assassination of United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. Brief shot of Air Force One aircraft on runway before taking off from Love Field in Dallas Texas, carrying the body of the President to Washington DC. Still image of Lyndon Baines Johnson taking the oath of office en route back to Washington, as he becomes the new President of the United States. Air Force One taking off from Love Field in Dallas. View of Air Force One parked at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. Pallbearers and other attendants take out the casket from the airplane and place it in a hearse. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy follows, holding the hand of Robert Kennedy, and they are assisted down from the lift to the ground. Mrs. Kennedy moves up to enter the hearse carrying the President's body. Brief view of mourners and people gathered behind fences at the airport. President Johnson and his wife debark from Air Force One. The President addresses the people through a microphone. He speaks about the sudden death of former President Kennedy and states that he will do his best for the country. Exterior of the White House at night. President Johnson and his wife debark from a helicopter at the White House. People gather near the White House to greet the new President. View through a White House window of President Johnson and advisors meeting that night.
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