Shells for a heavy coastal defense gun are seen lined up on the ground. Japanese soldier seen leaning against gun. Japanese soldiers open wooden boxes containing smaller shells. They prepare an emplacement for an antiaircraft gun. Soldiers unpack and line shells on the ground. Formation of bombers in flight overhead. Aerial view of Japanese Mitsubishi Ki-21 "Sally" bombers in flight. Bombs strike ground targets below. "Sally" bombers landing at Japanese occupied Clark Field in the Philippines during World War II. Japanese antiaircraft gun surrounded by sandbags. A gunner looks skyward through binoculars. Japanese troops play volleyball in background. Other Japanese soldiers playing ping pong; wrestling; and playing baseball. Ground crews employ care using lights and illuminated markers on the flight line at night. A Mitsubishi Ki.30 "Ann" aircraft flies overhead. Japanese pilots salute their commander and proceed to their aircraft. Bomber and fighter aircraft seen. A Mitsubishi Ki-46 Dinah and Ki-15 Babs crank up and take off. View from cockpit of a plane taking off. Many aircraft seen widely spaced out on the airfield, below. Crew members manipulate controls of equipment inside an airplane. Windsock standing out on the ground. View of staff at positions inside air command center. Meteorologist releases weather balloon which is tracked by telescope. Japanese monitor uses old U.S. flying squadron blackboard to record information about their own flight operations.
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