The invasion of the Philippines by Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) troops during World War II. Film opens showing a formation of Japanese Nakajima Ki-67 (Army Type 4 Heavy Bombers, named "Peggy", by Allies) in flight. Japanese infantry soldiers are seen next, marching into the Philippines. Views of barbed wire fences and of stacks of artillery shells. View from rear of a column of infantry marching beside a road. Glimpse of abandoned sand-bagged defensive positions. A Japanese camp in the open with field artillery set up. Brief view of a Japanese Nakajima Ki-27 Type 97 Fighter (called "Nate" by Allies). Japanese infantry struggling through jungles. Brief view of a Japanese Aichi D3A Type 99 Carrier Bomber (Allied reporting name "Val") in flight. Scene shifts to Japanese infantry continuing past palm trees. A Japanese tank running over a slender tree. A Japanese open personnel carrier. Infantry carrying loads suspended from poles. Another view of a Nakajima Ki-67 heavy bomber in flight. A camouflaged Japanese type 97 tank moving forward. Japanese infantry moving single file across a bridge. Two Japanese soldiers riding atop a type 97 tank heading across the bridge heading toward the camera. Map showing the mountains of Bataan peninsula in Japanese. More views of infantry marching along the road. Horses are employed to move artillery pieces. More Nakajima Ki-67 bombers in flight. Japanese artillery firing. Japanese troops gathered and shouting "Banzai" on top of Mount Orion, Bataan.
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