Activities of United States Marines in Saipan, Mariana Islands during World War II. A man crouches near a wrecked enemy vehicle in the foreground. Tanks fire at enemy positions. A half track vehicle moves up through dense undergrowth. A man with a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) moves up through a small clearing. A dense jungle in the foreground and the background. A man sitting on the turret of a tank. The man armed with the BAR advances across a field. He moves past burning buildings. The men advance across a small clearing, cautiously ducking into fox holes. Three men in a slit trench. A man sitting in a fox hole. A man in prone position fires a rifle from thickly under grown area. A tank advances towards a wrecked enemy building. Buildings and the town burning. Large columns of smoke rise. An airplane dives towards the enemy town.
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