German U-boat leaving protective submarine pen, at St.Nazaire,France, during World War 2. Crew members are at departure duties, on deck. German Kriegsmarine ensign displayed from conning tower mast. Momentary glimpse of commercial freighter nearby in the harbor. Boat's crew stowing lines as the U-boat is underway on the surface. View of engine room with valve tappets moving and crewman tending to it. View from foredeck as waves rise at bow. The boat's deck gun visible. As the boat proceeds, it settles lower in the water which washes over the deck. Lookout with binoculars sights a small American freighter, with single funnel. The crew prepares its deck gun and fires two rounds at the ship. The seas are rough and crew are in foul weather gear. Captain of the U-boat looks through binoculars. Surprising view of the submarine from another boat, nearby. View down upon the conning tower with crew members there and waves rolling over the U-boat. The crew fires a third round at the freighter, and then a 4th, that causes the ship to explode. View below decks as crew responds to alarm and submerges. The Captain looks through the U-boat periscope. View through periscope, of another ship. He gives order to fire a torpedo, and crew is seen complying. The torpedo hits and the ship explodes. The Captain and crew cheer. View from nearby as the ship disappears under the sea. Views of the U-boat underway. Captain looking through binoculars at night. View of a burning ship and oil burning on the water, at night.
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