A film titled: 'Joe learns the hard way' depicts a training of army photographers in the United States during World War II. A group of U.S. Army photographers carry photographic gear on backs. Joe, an army photographer, walks along with them. They walk inside the building of Signal Corps Photographic Center. Army men put down their gear. They take out their still photograph cameras from the gear and walk over to an instructor. The instructor explains various uses of the still camera equipment. Joe watches the camera. A B-24 Liberator aircraft in flight. Joe takes picture of the aircraft. Interior of a classroom. An instructor gives lessons. Students take notes in the classroom. Students load film in the still cameras both in classroom and in the field. Joe does not pay attention and sleeps in the class. The instructor gives a demonstration with a camera. A blackboard in the background. Interior of the classroom during a test. Joe cheats in the test. He stands near the door of a dark room for developing photographs. A sign near the door reads: 'School Darkroom'. He enters the room. He comes out of the room with pictures in hand. He enters his room and sits on a bed. Joe looks at pictures he took which are not very good.
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