A U.S. Army Air Forces C-47 airplane carrying movies among its cargo bound from New Caledonia to troops stationed at Bougainville, Solomon Islands, during World War 2. Views inside the airplane cabin, where troops sit alongside the cargo. Glimpse from cockpit of aircraft on final approach to land on the airfield. Troops unloading canisters of movie films from the C-47. (Handing the movie reels out of the C-47 is Russ Laming of the 13th Troop Carrier Squadron, a.k.a the Thirsty 13th.) Army truck carrying mail bags and movie films driving away from the airfield. U.S. soldiers walk to their makeshift movie tent from foxholes and fortified positions. Sign on the tent reads: "Bougainville Roxy, Tonights feature." Movie projector seen inside the tent, as soldiers enter. Views of movie theaters made out of logs and other available materials at various locations in the Pacific theater of operations. They range from simple and rugged to more elaborate, at rear locations, away from the front lines. U.S. servicemen racing to get the best seats in a theater, as the doors open for a movie. Servicemen walking into an open air theater. They are called to attention as the unit commander arrives and takes his seat. View of wounded soldiers recuperating in a hospital,where a movie camera is being set up in the ward. They are tended by a French nurse wearing a "flying nun" hat (possibly North Africa). Servicemen and women being seated in an outdoor theater, and other places, waiting to watch movies. Allied troops join Americans to watch U.S. movies. A theater sign announcing the week's movie program at a Royal New Zealand Air Force post in the jungles. Courier carrying film canister from a jeep into a jungle theater. Soldier mounting the film on projector. U.S. troops watching a movie outdoors, during rain storm.
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