Dwight David Eisenhower being inaugurated as the 34th President of the United States. Exterior of the Capitol building. Vehicular traffic passing on the street. An airplane lands at the airbase. Officials and dignitaries coming out of the airplane. Exterior of the White House. People gather on the street in front of the White House. Eisenhower comes out of the building and meets President Harry Truman. Cameramen taking their photographs. People standing in a large number behind roped off area. motorcade passing on the street. Dignitaries seated in a car arrive at the Capitol for the inauguration ceremony. Aerial view of the crowd gathered on the street in front of the Capitol. Eisenhower arrives in the balcony of the building. The crowd applauds. Richard Nixon is sworn in as the Vice President. Eisenhower is sworn in as the President of the United States. President Eisenhower takes the oath. Truman and Nixon shakes hands with the new President. President Eisenhower arrives at the podium and addresses the crowd. He talks about peace and warns the aggressors.
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