Cold war, nuclear war preparedness film. Air raid alarm sounding and civilians in New York City running down into subway for shelter. Surface-to-air BOMARC missiles raising into firing position. Civil Defense Air Raid Warden, in white helmet, directing people to shelter. BOMARC and NIKE-Hercules missiles readied for launch. F-102 interceptor aircraft in flight. NORAD personnel monitoring radar displays. Formation of F-102s and closeup of a pilot in a cockpit. Activities of personnel inside NORAD command Center, coordinating defense forces. NORAD Commander, General Laurence S. Kuter, on "Red Phone" for conference call receiving White House authority to strike back. SAC bomber crews scramble to their bomber aircraft. B-47s and B-52s taking off. NORAD headquarters authorizing missile sites to commence firing.SM-65 Atlas missiles being launched. Nike-Hercules missiles being raised and BOMARC missiles being fired. Enemy aircraft being destroyed in the air, by missiles. Comments by actor Raymond Massey regarding U.S. military preparedness.
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