Damage caused by 1937 flood in the Ohio Valley area of the United States. A heavy loss of property due to a flood. Supplies being unloaded from trucks for the people. People being rescued from the areas affected by flood. Men aboard boats moving through buildings on the edge of the Ohio River that are submerged in water. Men moving a wooden casket. Destroyed houses and buildings in the areas. Flooded streets. A weather vane blowing briskly in wind. Narrator details how the weather bureau forecasts the weather and offers the information to help prevent losses from such disasters. Automatic typing machine records weather instrument readings. View of newspapers being printed at a printing press. A radio tower. People gather near injured flood victims. People lined up on the street to get supplies. Scenes of floodwaters below Memphis where flooding was effectively contained. Water rushing under the then new Bonnet Carre spillway of Lake Pontchartrain near New Orleans. Man opens a book published in Lisbon in 1605, now in the Library of Congress, written by Gabriel Lobo Lasso de la Vega, reporting on the exploration team of De Soto on leaf 300 of the book. De Soto's group, in 1543, reported on the flood they saw below current day Memphis, extending over 20 leagues of land, covering the tops of trees, but not overrunning the homes of the Native Americans who build shelter atop high poles. A view of submerged homes in the 1937 flood are shown as the narrator laments that more modern people did worse than the Native American Indians.
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