Five Japanese girls, on their way to school, stop to bow at a shrine, Next three Japanese school boys also pause respectfully at the shrine. The next scene shows many children on the roof and in the large courtyard of a school building in the heart of a large Japanese city. An electrified railroad train runs nearby behind the school building. A very large group of children is seen in the school courtyard (or playground). The gradually assemble themselves into an ordered formation, while teachers stand at the periphery. The students all bow toward their teachers, in unison. The children break from their formation and begin to enter the school..View from above of girls entering the building. View of girls working at sewing machines inside a classroom. Girls seated around an instructor teaching them how to perform a traditional Japanese tea ceremony (temae). Students in a classroom learning arithmetic with the use of an abacus. Closeup of a boy moving counters on an abacus. The teacher ask a question and most students raise their hands to volunteer the answer. The teacher chooses a student from the girl's side of the classroom and writes the sum of a large column of numbers as the girl reads her result.
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