Color footage shot under the direction of John Ford, whose film crew was stationed at Midway during the battle. Japanese aircraft flying above Midway Island as they commence attacks. U.S. Marines firing an antiaircraft machine gun. Black flak bursts in the sky. Four SB2U - 3 ‘Vindicator’ dive bombers, of Marine Corps VMSB-241, taking off from Midway Island, with single bombs slung under their bellies. They pass a B-17 parked at side of runway. Japanese planes bombing Midway. An explosion near the camera with debris flying all about. A bomb hits only yards away from the camera. A hangar hit and on fire. American airplane overhead. Another bomb burst with debris thrown everywhere. U.S. Marines trying to deal with destruction and fires. Close up as they raise the American flag on a tall flagpole. A flaming fuel tank raising black smoke with the flag flying in the midst of the destruction. A Japanese airplane in flames. A jeep driving over debris near a destroyed U.S. airplane. Marine medic with red cross armband.More bombs striking fuel storage facilities and causing huge flames and black smoke. A Japanese airplane struck by machine gun fire loses power and crashes. The wing panel of a PBY Catalina, painted to simulate a crashed Japanese aircraft, has a puddle of gasoline burning in the middle of the "meatball" insignia.
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