View from an overlooking hillside of the Flossenbürg concentration camp in Germany, in the closing days of World War 2. Camera pans over rows of large barracks in the distance. A water supply pond is in the foreground. Scene shifts to Brigadier General Milton B. Halsey, of the U.S. 97th Infantry Division, as he strides into the camp, accompanied by a full Colonel and other officers on his staff. A civilian photographer stands near the iron gates of the camp. The General pauses to speak with another officer, who had arrived at the camp earlier (possibly with the 2nd Cavalry Regiment). Halsey and staff, now accompanied by several more officers and soldiers, walks past an area from which white smoke is rising. They pass clothing and equipment piled on the ground. An officer leads them and points out features of the camp. They descend steps beneath steel grating and look at a wooden cell with bunks in it. Next, they are seen, outdoors, conversing near a fence line. Several civilians are now with them. Halsey and his staff retrace their path underground and ascend steps from under the steel gratings. They pause near a wooden barracks building and then continue across a camp yard, where several vehicles are parked, and board waiting jeeps, in which they drive away. General Halsey's jeep displays a star on its bumper. (His driver has been identified as Glen E. Miller of Calhoun, Illinois.)
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