Animated map illustrates the flight course of Lieutenant Commander Richard Byrd and pilot Floyd Bennett, as they return to Kings Bay, Spitsbergen, Norway, from the North Pole, aboard their Fokker F-VII Tri-motor airplane, the "Josephine Ford." Pilot Floyd Bennett is photographed (by Byrd) in full arctic gear, at the controls of the airplane. View from the cabin of the Kings Bay encampment below. View from the ground, of Byrd and Bennett's Fokker aircraft, as it flies over the mooring mast of the Norwegian airship Norge. Next, steam issues from the ship's horn on the funnel of the SS Chantier, as she welcomes the aviators back from the Pole. Expedition team members wave and toss their hats in joy, as the aircraft approaches to land. The Fokker on final approach, with huge snow mountains behind. It touches down in front of the Norge airship hangar (between the hangar and the bay) and turns left, to taxi.
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