Commander Richard E. Byrd, receives the National Geographic Society Hubbard Gold Medal, from President Calvin Coolidge. The event takes place on June 23, 1926, in the auditorium of the National Geographic Headquarters, at 1146 Sixteenth Street, in Washington DC. The audience includes Mrs. Coolidge (on the stage) as well as cabinet officers; members of the diplomatic corps; and National Geographic Society members. Scene shifts to grounds of the White House, on February 27, 1927, as President Calvin Coolidge places the Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor around the neck of Commander Richard E. Byrd. Those seen in the ceremony are, from left to right: Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore D. Robinson; Secretary of the Navy Curtis Wilbur; Commander Richard E. Byrd, USN; President Calvin Coolidge; Warrant Officer Floyd Bennett, USN; and Admiral Edward W. Eberle, USN, Chief of Naval Operations. Closeup of Richard Byrd and Floyd Bennett, wearing their medals.
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