Department of Labor women clerical employees seen typing letters and forms. Men in the department meet at a table. Women working inside a textile factory in the United States. Close up of man's face as he works at a factory job. Scene of early trading activity at the New York Stock Exchange. A biplane airplane at an air show event crashes through a wall (seemingly intentionally) while landing, as onlookers watch. The plane is heavily damaged but lands on two wheels. Bread lines and soup lines for the hungry and unemployed men during the Great Depression. Lines at the bank during bank panic or run on a bank during the Great Depression. Vacant lot, stopped idle factory, and stopped railway switch yard during the Great Depression. Busy city street (possibly New York City lower east side) with push carts of street market vendors selling to shoppers and pedestrians. A horse cart is also seen on the street. More scenes of soup kitchens and bread lines for needy. Children jump rope, gathered on a wooden porch. Two men arriving at factory job carrying lunch boxes. Children playing jump rope. Exterior of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. as Franklin Delano Roosevelt takes his first oath for the President of the United States on March 4, 1933, and excerpt from his inaugural address focusing on jobs and putting people back to work.
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