Final segment of a documentary on the history of the Labor Department in the United States. A group of Labor Department employees are seen in a meeting, where one discusses variations in unemployment while referring to a chart entitled: "Employees in Nonagricultural Establishments, by Industry Division." Closeup of a Secretary of Labor report on Research and Training Activities under the Manpower Development and Training Act, transmitted to the Congress, February, 1963. A woman explains wiring diagrams on a blackboard in chalk, and then turns to young people being trained to solder such connections on electronic parts, in a worker training class. Finished electrical products being readied for shipment. Closeup of a "Manpower Report of the President," by the Department of Labor. President Lyndon Baines Johnson, reporting to the Congress. Behind him are Speaker of the House, John William McCormack, and Senate President pro tempore Carl Hayden. Wider view of the joint session of congress. Men gathered at a table simulating Labor-management bargaining in action. A U.S. Labor Department representative offers assistance to the bargaining parties. Closeup of men shaking hands. George Meany, President of the AFL-CIO labor organization is seen conducting a meeting. A man circles labor markets, on a U.S. map, that are eligible for Federal assistance under the Area Redevelopment Act. An aircraft and a ship are seen being loaded with goods for transport to foreign destinations. People voting in a large gathering, by show of hands. Closeup of a metal tool bit cutting a strip while turning a piece of metal in a lathe. Several young people ostensibly seeking jobs. More views of products being loaded and transported by ship, airplane, and railroad. People entering the Department of Labor building in Washington, DC. People waiting in line for assistance in finding jobs. Final scenes are a montage of brief images covering the history of the Department of Labor, shown inside a round Department of Labor symbol.
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